Thursday, August 18, 2011

Life At Raja Renata Ranch

Since the idea to start our new programs, we've dubbed the farm 'Raja Renata Ranch'.  Raja Renata means hope reborn which is what we seek to offer to dogs here.  Many have asked how we run things and I'd like to give everyone a run down of a 'typical' (if there is such a thing here, lol) day at RRR.

Since we're just starting our program there are lots of phone calls to make, conversations to have, networking to do but thanks to the help of Denise Smith (co-founder/Vice President), I've been able to avoid most of that LOL.  My 'work' comes in the form of caring for the dogs that are part of our program and my personal dogs as well. 

In the morning, we start by putting everyone outside for some play time, potty time and breakfast.  Some of the dogs aren't always ready for unsupervised time outside so those dogs we take on a walk around the farm for exercise and they come back in to enjoy their breakfast and another walk shortly after.  Also, most days, we'll have some form of dog laundry (and people laundry) to do so this is the time I'll start that, do my morning cleaning rounds of the house and kennels and then make breakfast and check e-mails, facebook and voice mails.  I'll return any calls I have and I'm usually always logged in to some kind of messenger or attached to my phone and in pretty constant contact with poor Denise throughout the day lol thank God for that woman, she helps keep me organized and on the right track.

After all of that is done, it's play time/training time for the dogs.  Of course, EVERYTHING we do has an element of training hidden somewhere in there but this is a more structured time to work on exercises with them.  We enjoy going to the dog park, working in the yard or house (depending on heat) and also incorporate grooming and bath time (when needed) into this part of the day. 

During the middle part of the day it's mostly time to relax as it's usually too hot outside to do much else.  You can find dogs lounging in the shade, over the AC vents, etc lol everyone has their spot they prefer to be for this (Etta has a particularly awesome shade tree picked out right by the doggie pool, you can't drag her in from her outside afternoon nap pool side lol).  This is also the time that dogs are walked again for potty (other than as needed of course) and the time during which we prefer to make our mobile training calls.

By early evening it's time to cook the dogs meals for that night and the next morning (yes, we cook their food).  Everyone is put out in their spots again, served dinner and left to play for a while before 'bed time'.  We also eat our dinner and then I do a night cleaning of house and kennels before it's time to sit down and relax and usually watch a movie and play with my son (who loves helping out with the dogs throughout the day).  Movie time is usually filled with dogs to cuddle with who are enjoying the peaceful atmosphere and just enjoying having a home to call their own.

The environment we try to create here is one of peace, quiet and harmony.  We don't tolerate disagreements between dogs, everyone knows their place and what is expected of them and even dogs who have come to us as extremely dog aggressive, like 'Doobie', have found their place and are happy and well balanced dogs once they understand our system.

While running RRR is a lot of work, I really couldn't ask for a different job.  After years of horse training, I feel like I'm a little too worn down from cold winters and heavy water buckets lol so this has provided a wonderful outlet for me to still 'train', while helping others and saving some dogs lives.

Every dog is welcome here at RRR.  We don't believe in lost causes.  When I trained horses I always liked the adage from The Horse Whisperer when Tom says 'I don't help people with horse problems, I help horses with people problems'.  I view dog training the same way.  We're here to assist owners in understanding their dogs and helping them to lead happier, emotionally healthier lives, HOWEVER, our first priority is always the dog.

Hopefully, this has helped you all to gain some insight on how things work.  We'd love to hear, and answer, any questions someone may have for us!

Until next time....


  1. I love that you said you went from horses to dogs that is just why im in the Shepherds now. Its alot less stressful on ones young body.

  2. I know Emily lol we're getting too old for that stuff LOL

  3. I opted to name it the "crazy zoo ranch" no-one else seemed to like it though lol

  4. Hope you will be success with your new idea.meal bars for dogs

  5. Hope you enjoy a full life of the pain you inflicted on those animals you abused and neglected. You will get yours.

  6. Dawn Join Rise against RRR service Dogs. we are seeking justice for all the victims of this heartless killer!!!
